Residents for Community Preservation

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Save Our Historic Town House

We are quite literally “Residents for Community Preservation”. You and I, our neighbors, WE are the residents. So I ask you…the residents, what’s worth “preserving” in our beloved community? Nature? Open Space? Togetherness? Our stories? Our legacies? Our history? 

Take a moment and ask yourself, what is the value of our community’s history; the stories of the families who have lived here for generations, who built and served this town; the moments and memories they shared and the buildings they shared them in. What are they worth to you? 

Our small, rural community can sometimes feel disjointed, pulled in the direction of larger Fenton to the North, and Hartland to the South for everything from schools, groceries, and even a trip to the park. It’s a struggle to find a core, a central place of being together as neighbors in a shared space. So what is that fabric that ties us together, that connecting thread? It’s easy to miss, but if you look closely and listen carefully, you’ll see there’s so much more here than a passerby may notice.

Tyrone Township has one public, historical building, our Town House. Our Town House as designated as a historic site by the State of Michigan, and was a place built to bring a community of people together. It is a space where gatherings of all sorts, meetings, elections, and celebrations were held. It was THE common thread that brought this small community together. There are residents living here today whose lives have been committed to caring for this building, but more importantly the stories that come with it. These are the same people who have archived and protected our legacies, both written and verbal. Isn’t this the fabric of who we are as a community? Isn’t it the lives we’ve lived and the moments we share together that weave the unique tapestry of who it is we are as collective residents of Tyrone Township? 

Our Township leaders have moved to a new building around the corner from the old. We have partnered in a new plan to move the Historic 1887 Town Hall Building to the new site. The property has been sold, and the window of opportunity to preserve our little bit of Tyrone Township history will be extended so that we can seek funds for this project. To many, the Town House is a foundational piece that represents the very core of who we are together. It’s a treasure not to be lost or forgotten, but to be cherished & protected. The voices of the people that built and served this community for decades deserve to heard, to know their work and their stories have value. The thing we must all understand is that once lost, this is something that cannot be replaced. Once again, I ask you to come together and help us preserve this important legacy.

What about a new vision for Tyrone Township? What if we could be grateful for the new, and celebrate the old all in one place? What if we could create a gathering space that tells the story of our community? Imagine a Township property (10 acres in fact) where the new building sits next to the old. Trails, a pavilion, gardens, and maybe one day a collection of historical artifacts from the community that tell future generations what came before them. A connection to our roots makes us stronger and keeps us humble. Let’s create a central place to gather as a community, a focal point of pride, an identity of our own. Think about the possibilities of community picnics, walks with a friend, game nights, book clubs, or meetings of residents who have grand ideas and want to make change for the good of the people. Think about a central place for our community to call their own, whether from a past generation or with a bright future ahead. We all could benefit from a place like this. 

*Edited 5/5/2021 to reflect the most recent development in partnership with our Township to embark upon this project!

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