Past Project:

“Action to Resist the Plant”


Our Mission

(Action to Resist the Plant)
Through community AWARENESS, community ACTION, and community FUNDRAISING, we seek to stop the building of an asphalt plant in Tyrone Township, Michigan.


On February 9th, 2021 a proposal was presented to Tyrone Township requesting rezoning of 124 acres of residential farmland to heavy industrial space. In addition, 30 acres of this land would be set aside for the building of an asphalt plant.

Our community quickly banded together, forming a group of over 3,000 on social media. The message was consistent - NO Asphalt plant!

Concerned for the impacts this project would bring to our health, safety, and environment, residents started working together to make a plan. We raised awareness, hired an attorney, reached out at Township meetings, and put signs in hundreds of yards. We found resident experts, wrote a research paper to support our concerns, and shared it with Township leaders.

On April 19th, Tyrone Township notified us that Capital Asphalt had withdrawn their application for a special land use permit, and cited community backlash as one of the reasons for their decision. Although we are grateful for this turn of events, we are cautious. The rezone requests still linger.


Awareness efforts were aimed at reaching as many residents as possible.


How We Achieved Our Mission:

  1. Sought guidance on strategy from well-known environmental nonprofit groups.

  2. Made awareness the first priority through social media, sign sales, flyers/banners, canvassing, building a website, blog, and email subscriptions.

  3. Attended township meetings, and established a working relationship with our Township leaders.

  4. Designed and printed signs, banners, posters and flyers; sold and distributed them through public events.

  5. Canvassed businesses and neighborhoods. We offered flyers for distribution and posters for store fronts.

  6. Studied the proposal, the Master Plan, and zoning ordinances.

  7. Hired legal counsel, which is supported by our fundraising.

  8. Found residents with relevant expertise, conducted extensive research, and created a report of negative effects by asphalt plants. Areas of expertise included: Toxicology, Epidemiology, Health & Safety Regulation, & Environmental Consultantation (Asphalt Industry). Traffic Engineering, & Fire Suppression Engineering were next on the list, but the proposal was withdrawn.

  9. We had an 80 minute consultation with a community who has won this battle. They provided invaluable guidance.

  10. We created this website “ACTION to Resist the Plant” as a central place for the community to learn about this issue.


Multimedia Components


Key Messages

Our Health & Safety expert, Ted Merciez explains important facts you should know about living near asphalt plants.