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Help Us Move Our Historic Town House

Our Town House needs to be relocated! Help us get it moved to the new location aside the new Township Building, and breathe new life into this incredible piece of history that was once the heart of Tyrone Township!


Tyrone Township Master Plan Revision

May 2021 brings the task of creating a new Master Plan alongside our Township leaders. We aim to be an integral part in its design and development. The Master Plan for a community is a cornerstone document that articulates the vision of the people who live there.


No Rezone!

A request to rezone 124 acres of farmland to heavy industrial space is still pending. In April 2021, the request was “put on hold”. We continue to watch this development closely.

Portfolio Past Projects

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can make a difference. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

~ Margaret Mead

Our portfolio houses our collection of past projects. They work together, each a piece of the larger puzzle taking shape in our community.

Please click on the image above to view our portfolio.