Tyrone Township Master Plan Revision

Imagine yourself 500ft in the air looking down...what do you want Tyrone Township to look like?

What revenue is needed to properly fund the community you envision?

What does appropriate development look like to you?

Our focus now shifts from expressing what we don’t want to carefully considering what we do want, and the means to that end. Our Zoning Ordinances are the lawful components of our local government that should be built based on our Master Plan. In tandem, these are the forces that shape what our Township will become.

Our past projects have demonstrated clearly what is at risk if our Master Plan and Zoning Ordinances are lacking. This should be a wake up call for every resident, and a call to action that motivates us to participate fully in this process.

What exactly is the process, and what does it have to do with RCP?

  • Our plan is to first learn all we can about master planning, and second to focus on community outreach & engagement.

  • We will be offering a Webinar Series and a Town Hall Series in coming weeks to help you understand the processes involved, answer your questions, and hear your ideas. We may not be able to answer every question, but we sure know how to find out!

  • Tyrone Township Officials will host “Visioning” sessions as well in which we hope all of you will participate. We will be sharing those dates on social media and through our email subscriber list.

  • Finally, we will need your help again to spread the word! Help your neighbors see the importance in participating. Take them a flyer, a brochure, or a door hanger, and help us build our momentum for engagement. For this outreach component, we will provide print materials to residents. This too is very important work, that all of you can do to help.

These processes will include a multitude of ideas and opinions, and will require your enthusiastic support. We’ve seen what this community can do when we work together on these issues. In the end we will have civically engaged in a very important body of work. It will be work of which we are proud, in a community that feels preserved for a little while longer. The new Master Plan should reflect the voice and vision of residents who live in it, but that can only happen with your participation. Please join us on this important journey!

Please print and share this flyer with neighbors & friends. Help our community be as engaged as possible!

Please print and share this flyer with neighbors & friends. Help our community be as engaged as possible!


Town Hall Series


Webinar Series