
It all begins with an idea.

Our vision page houses ideas for projects we’d love to bring to our community. Through networking, fundraising, grant work, and your support we can bring these ideas to life!


Small Steps

The road forward isn’t linear, and we are still in the learning process.

One critical thing we have learned is that most parks and recreation projects are funded through the DNR’s Grant Management Program. In order to qualify for this funding, our Township must have a 5 year Parks & Rec Plan that is formatted specifically to the DNR’s specifications.

Secondly, other townships have tackled these projects by forming a Planning Commission Subcommittee, which would include a few members of the planning commission, and residents tasked with developing the Parks & Rec Plan. We are hopeful that can happen here too!

These steps are the foundation, the beginning that leads forward.


Hiking & Biking Trails


Community Gathering Place

We hold a larger vision for the 10.14 acres of Township property on Runyan Lake Rd. This vision includes our Historic Town House, cut trails for walking, and a pavilion. We hope that one day, this space can be enjoyed by our community and events such as summer picnics, educational programs, and more can bring a sense of identity for Tyrone Township Residents. It all starts with getting the Town House moved. Click here to learn more.

Sponsors, & Land Donations Welcome!