Help Us Move Our Historic

Town House!

Tyrone Township Historical Society

Take a moment and ask yourself, what is the value of our community’s history; the stories of the families who have lived here for generations, who built and served this town; the moments and memories they shared and the buildings they shared them in. What are they worth to you? 

Our Historic Town House is one of Tyrone Township’s few historic buildings. It was designated as a historic site by the State of Michigan, and was a place built to bring a community of people together. The Town House provided a space where gatherings of all sorts, meetings, and elections were held. It was THE common thread that brought this small community together. There are residents living here today whose lives have been committed to caring for this building, but more importantly the stories & moments that come with it. These are the same people who have archived and protected our legacies, both written and verbal. Isn’t this the fabric of who we are as a community? Isn’t it the lives we’ve lived and the moments we share together that weave the unique tapestry of who we are as collective residents of Tyrone Township? 

Our Township leaders have moved to a new building around the corner from the old. RCP is determined to help Tyrone Township’s Historical Society preserve Historic 1887 Town Hall Building. The property has been sold, and the window of opportunity to preserve our little bit of Tyrone Township history will be extended so that the Historical Society can seek funds for this project. To many, the Town House is a foundational piece that represents the very core of who we are together. It’s a treasure not to be lost or forgotten, but to be cherished & protected. The voices of the people that built and served this community for decades deserve to be heard, to know their work and their stories have value. The thing we must all understand is that once lost, this is something that cannot be replaced. Once again, I ask you to come together and help us preserve this important legacy.

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Our History Needs Your Help!

Our Historic Town House needs to move to our new Township property. Our goal is to support the Tyrone Historical Society in the complete move, resettling, and integration of the Historic Town House at the new location.

Please use the button below to make your donation directly to the Tyrone Township Historical Society today and learn more about how they use your generous finanical contributions!


Tyrone Revisited

Tyrone Revisited hosts a collection of family stories at the very heart of our community. These families have lived, served, and made Tyrone Township what it is over many decades. From working to build the first Town House as a community center point in 1887, to moving it to preserve it in 1975, these are the families with the longest standing legacies in our community. The building was also re-dedicated as a Michigan Historic Site in 1975. Learn more about our community roots.

Visit the Tyrone Township office to purchase your copy!

Tyrone Township Hall
8420 Runyan Lake Road
Fenton, MI 48430

Township Hall phone: 810-629-8631


Take a trip back in time with Tyrone Township’s own photo collection. Contributions made by many of our residents who have served and shaped this community for decades.

We are always looking to add to this collection. Please email us at if you’d like to participate!